We're Here to Help

We are dedicated to providing you with essential sexual health resources when you need them the most. We understand that encountering an issue with our vending machine, especially when purchasing emergency contraception or pregnancy tests, can be particularly stressful and time sensitive.  

If your transaction went through but the product didn’t dispense, let a staff member know and they can provide you with the product. If you do not feel comfortable asking someone directly, we suggest making another transaction and we will issue you a refund for the first transaction. 

To help us resolve the problem as quickly and efficiently as possible, please fill out the form below (you can submit anonymously) with detailed information about the issue. Even if you receive the product from a staff member and no refund is needed, we would appreciate your input.

Your feedback is vital in helping us ensure that our machines are reliable and that sexual health resources are accessible at all times. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

For additional frequently asked questions, visit GetAccessGranted.com/EC.

Sexual Health Vending Machine Error Form
Error that Occurred (select all that apply)
Product Details (check all that apply)
Please include your email address if you would like us to follow up with you about a refund or your experience. Leave blank if you'd like to remain anonymous.

Sexual Assault Help

Free, confidential help is available to you.

Please seek help even if you aren’t sure you were assaulted or were under the influence of drugs or alcohol. There are options for getting the support you need.

Access Granted is an initiative of
Women’s Fund of Omaha

© 2024 Women’s Fund of Omaha